PreClass Services

At PreClass, our unwavering commitment is to provide comprehensive educational solutions that empower investors to establish schools/centres of exemplary standards, drawing upon the influential principles of Finnish education in alignment with Saudi standards.

We offer a wide range of services aimed at supporting our clients in their educational ventures, integrating the best practices and methodologies inspired by Finnish education while considering the specific requirements and standards of Saudi Arabia. Our services encompass:

Fostering Excellence, Inspiring Growth: Customized Curriculum for Success

At PreClass, we understand the importance of a well-designed curriculum in the success of an educational institution. That's why our expert team is dedicated to developing a curriculum that combines the Finnish curriculum and local Saudi standards, promoting academic excellence and holistic development among students.

We work closely with you to gain a deep understanding of your school's educational philosophy, mission, and goals. Through collaboration with school leaders, administrators, and educators, we ensure that the curriculum seamlessly aligns with your school's vision and objectives.

Inclusive Education, Empowering Every Learner: Our Comprehensive Special Needs Support Program Paves the Way for Success

At PreClass, we believe in inclusive education, where all learners have equal opportunities to succeed. That's why we've created a comprehensive Special Needs Support Program.

Our program addresses the diverse needs of students with special requirements, providing them with the support, accommodations, and resources they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We understand that every student is unique, with their own strengths, challenges, and learning styles. That's why our program offers individualized support tailored to each student's specific needs.

Elevating Educators, Empowering Excellence: Unleashing Potential through Rigorous Training

At PreClass, we recognize the crucial role that teachers and administrators play in the success of an educational institution. That's why we partner with the University of Eastern Finland to offer high-quality training courses that empower educators and educational leaders to excel in their roles. 

Our training programs are meticulously designed to be rigorous, comprehensive, and customized to meet the specific needs of teachers and administrators. We understand that effective teaching and management require a diverse range of competencies, from pedagogical expertise to leadership and organizational skills.

Charting Success, Guiding Every Step: Crafting Dynamic Plans for Academic Excellence

At PreClass, we understand the vital role that comprehensive planning plays in the success of educational institutions. That's why we offer our expertise in the development of yearly, monthly, and weekly plans that are tailored to your school's unique vision, objectives, and academic calendar. Our collaborative approach ensures that these plans become powerful tools for facilitating smooth operations and driving academic excellence throughout the entire academic year.

Nurturing Minds, Inspiring Success: Creating an Optimal Classroom Environments

PreClass goes beyond traditional educational solutions by creating customized classrooms and learning areas that combine the best of Finnish school design principles with local Saudi standards. We understand the importance of the physical environment in promoting student engagement, creativity, and academic success. 

Our expert team works closely with you to understand your specific needs, goals, and educational philosophy. By integrating Finnish-inspired approaches into the design process, we ensure that your learning spaces embody the principles of Finnish education while meeting local standards.

 We carefully consider factors such as ergonomic design, versatility, durability, and safety when selecting furniture and materials for your classrooms. Our aim is to create visually appealing, functional, and effective learning environments that align with Finnish-inspired classroom design principles.

PreClass Network: Uniting Educators for Collaborative Growth and Impactful Learning

Welcome to the PreClass Network, where educators, administrators, and stakeholders unite in a vibrant and inclusive community. Join us to foster collaboration, professional growth, and the exchange of knowledge. Connect with like-minded individuals, engage in meaningful discussions, and forge valuable connections to amplify your impact on education.

Expand your skills through our comprehensive online courses, designed to meet the diverse needs of educators and administrators. Develop new teaching techniques, embrace innovative methodologies, and integrate cutting-edge technologies into your practice.

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